And the slightest interruption in the process, the tiniest misstep, would destroy all his efforts. He therefore had to work in the one place to which he had easy and constant access: the dormitory he shared with four other Gryffindor boys.The table next to his bed served as his worktable, on which sat a small collection of potion-making essentials. A perpetual flame burned low under a miniature cauldron, the vapour from which rose and was collected, and condensing flowed through a tube into a basin. The basin had to be stirred just so, at irregular intervals. Then, once the batch was complete, the process had to be repeated, over and over again, the purity of the potion increasing with each distillation. If Neville did everything right, if there were no mistakes or slips of any kind, then, at the end, he would have his reward: enough felix felicis to give a person perhaps an hour's luck, that and no more. But taken at the right time, under the right circumstances, by the right. I'm over an hour late as it is... " Janice still stood there staring into her den at the computer. Finally she gave in."Oh what the hell... it won't take long... Just a quick peek to see if he sent me anything."She was surprised and very happy when she heard the ding of new mail ring out.Janice... I like your new workout uniform and don't want you to change a thing. I will expect to see all future progress photos with you in it. Is that clear? Second, I was VERY displease about not receiving any other photos of you to go with it, and what about your punishment. I'm still waiting for that.Janice suddenly felt ill. She'd taken several photos with her new dildos last night, but had fallen asleep before sending any of them off.Since you seem to not only be a liar, but a forgetful bitch as well, I seriously doubt weather you're worth any more of my time. If you can't remember to take the picture your self, then find someone to take them for you! I will also be checking to make sure you're.
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